All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[0.6.0] - 2024-04-26
Add version 0.6.0 by name.[Added]
- It is now possible to bulk import or bulk remove by selecting in the grid view and right click on the selection
- Added new "Default import location" setting in Preferences/Asset Manager
- Added "Import to" option when clicking the Import button
- When "Create by" and "Last edit by" chip are clicked, a corresponding filter is now created
- Show user role
- Ignored upload item are not less dark
- Encode in the .am4u_dep file the proper asset version
- Improved progress reporting
- Username selections in "Create by" and "Update By" are now order in alphabetic order.
- Changed cursor style when hovering over Role chip and Details panel's dashboard link
- Fixed reimport by cleaning-up moved files correctly
- Asset details panel showed file sizes in base 1024. Now it is harmonized with the web version and it is base 1000.
- Collection hierarchy not correctly reconstruct
- Go To Dashboard when in All Assets page open now the right web page.
- Fix double link icon while loading in Upload page
- Fixed the retrieval of asset that was looking for asset version "1", which does not exists. Use the oldest asset version.
- Fix Add Filter availability when all filter type are used
- Update of the GridItem when finish importing
- Refactored progress code to prevent hangs when importing a large number of files
- When opening the window the first time, permissions wasn't initialized properly
[0.5.2] - 2024-04-26
Add version 0.5.2 by name.Fixed
- Fixed for Versioning API breaking uploads
[0.5.1] - 2024-04-03
Add version 0.5.1 by name.Added
- Displaying subshader graph icons
- Fixed Details Page Scrollview issues
- Fix detail panel close button overlapping
- Filter visibility when window is too tight
- Disable filter dropdown when there is no asset visible in the current page
- Fixed Loading when entering play mode
- Removed "All Assets" ProjectInfo object that was used by default.
- Fixed missing dependencies foldout bug
- Upload support for asset with circular dependencies
- Fixed a bug that was preventing project selection
[0.5.0] - 2024-03-15
Add version 0.5.0 by name.Added
- Asset uploading to Unity Cloud
- Analytics to improve user experience
- Support for Unity 2023.3
- Support for opening assets from the Unity Cloud Dashboard
- Static placements of UI elements on the Asset Details page
- Context menu for Assets
- Icons for state of Assets
- Window code optimization improvements
- Loading more than 100 assets may result in unexpected behaviour
- Slow HTTP connections
- Import progress
- HTTP errors not being revealed in console
- "Open the Asset Manager Dashboard" link does not link to the specific project
- Sometimes clicking on project does not register
- Inactive "Remove From Project" button
- Highlighting and focused state colours being the same
- Thumbnails not being updaated properly
- Updating and re-importing assets may cause data sync issues
Known Issues
- Uploading and downloading in the same project may cause issues
- In-Project view may behave incorrectly
- Cannot cancel imports
- Uploading lighting data from a Scene causes a crash
[0.4.4] - 2024-02-29
Add version 0.4.4 by name.Changed
- Look and feel of Asset Details page
- Removed re-import tooltip
- Hid description and tag when empty
- Fixed import status not updating after a re-import
- Removed Project dashboard link
- Window code improvements
- Multiple tags in detail view were stacked in column instead of row
- "Open the Asset Manager Dashboard" not correctly linking to current empty project
Known Issues
- Updating and re-importing assets may cause data sync issues
- Loading more than 100 assets may result in unexpected behaviour
[0.4.3] - 2024-02-16
Add version 0.4.3 by name.Added
- First draft of Imported Status
- Support for corrupted/deleted/forbidden imported asset
- Displaying Asset ID in Detail page view
- Filter by Unity type
- Look and feel of GridItem highlight and selection is now more clear
- Previously imported assets will not be display in the In Project page and have to be re-imported
- Imported assets are now displayed directly instead of making a request to the backend
- Display Unity Type instead of Dashboard Asset Type
- Display extension when hovering on the Type icon
- GridItem highlight now behaves properly
- Unintended window refreshing
- Cases where a GridItem shows the wrong Asset Type
- In Project Page not loading if an asset was deleted
- Forbidden error that was showing sometime when after importing an asset
- Add "Loading ..." text in dropdown popup before the selections show up
Known Issues
- Updating and re-importing assets may cause data sync issues
- Thumbnails may nto be in sync with cloud
- Files are not tracked when moved
- Loading more than 100 assets may result in unexpected behaviour
[0.4.2] - 2024-02-09
Add version 0.4.2 by name.Fixed
- Fixed parallel downloads
- Projects are now sorted by name
- Preview files are now ignored
- Meta file are now displayed and downloaded properly
- Added infinite loading bar when fetching files download URL
- Added "All Assets" option to allow a search over all assets of an organization
- Added link to the Project in the Unity Dashboard
- Project's chip now contains the project's icon
- Optimized HTTP calls
- Project dropdown has been changed in favor of a tree view from project to collection
Known Issues
- "Show In Project" is not working as expected
- “Imported” icon on the file list does not show for meta files
- Loading more than 100 assets may result in unexpected behaviour
[0.4.0] - 2024-01-22
Add version 0.4.0 by name.Fixed
- Vertically centered the listed file items in the details page
- Warning box in the details page when there are no files associated with an asset
- Refresh menu item in the window contextual menu that refreshes projects, collections and assets
- Initial gridview loading screen no longer shows blank grid items with loading icons
[0.3.0] - 2024-01-03
Add version 0.3.0 by name.Fixed
- Errors caused by selecting a cache location without write permissions
- Fixed forever loading screen when organisation was not set at first launch.
- Fixed message shown when search result is empty
- Fixed forever loading page when entering play mode before page was fully loaded
- Fixed null exception when removing selected asset from in project
- Fixed details page closing when removing an asset in project that is not selected
- Don't see .meta and .DS_Store in the included file.
- Fixed import of assets with special characters
- Explanatory tooltips to disabled buttons in the Asset Details Page
- Updated versions of packages
- Default import location path
- Show in project button now highlights the asset's file in the project browser
- Search now fetches the asset and it's files all in one call
- Remove the id in the folder name after importing and manage import name conflict
[0.2.0] - 2023-12-05
Add version 0.2.0 by name.Added
- Message to show when they have no assets in the project and a link to the dashboard
- Message to show when Organisation has no projects and a link to the dashboard
- Fixed Editor namespaces being used in package which was colliding with URP and HDRP projects
- Fixed height of the thumbnail in the details view
- Collections expanded/collapsed values now survive domain reload
- Fixed Included Files initial size being too small
- Fixed file information loading forever for some assets
- Made sure we got the full project list
- "No results found" text now shows a more descriptive message depending on the page/results
[0.1.1] - 2023-11-16
Add version 0.1.1 by name.Changed
- Moved the Resources folder under the Editor folder so they are not part of the users' builds
[0.1.0] - 2023-11-14
Add version 0.1.0 by name.Added
- Cancelable import progress bar has been added to the grid items and asset detail page
- Refresh button next to the search bar
- Error message for when an organization is not selected in the
Project Settings -> Services
section - Links to the Dashboard, Project Settings and Preferences
- Next page loading icon has a loading bar with informative text
- Grid item corner icon status
- Context menu actions
- Show in project allows users to quickly find the file in their project
- In Project feature allows users to see which assets are in their projects
- Remove from project
- Import into project
- Search bar functionality
- Cache management feature allows users to manage and clear their cache
- Cache settings allows users to set the cache size limit and location of their cache
- Breadcrumbs
- Project selection dropdown allows users to select which project they want to search in
- Inspector section for the asset details page
- Collections
- Grid items