Class AnimationRuntimeUtils
Utility functions for runtime constraints.
Namespace: UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging
public static class AnimationRuntimeUtils
InverseSolveTwoBoneIK(AnimationStream, ReadOnlyTransformHandle, ReadOnlyTransformHandle, ReadOnlyTransformHandle, ReadWriteTransformHandle, ReadWriteTransformHandle, Single, Single, Single, AffineTransform)
Sets the position for a hint and target given bone positions.
public static void InverseSolveTwoBoneIK(AnimationStream stream, ReadOnlyTransformHandle root, ReadOnlyTransformHandle mid, ReadOnlyTransformHandle tip, ReadWriteTransformHandle target, ReadWriteTransformHandle hint, float posWeight, float rotWeight, float hintWeight, AffineTransform targetOffset)
Type | Name | Description |
AnimationStream | stream | The animation stream to work on. |
ReadOnlyTransformHandle | root | The transform handle for the root transform. |
ReadOnlyTransformHandle | mid | The transform handle for the mid transform. |
ReadOnlyTransformHandle | tip | The transform handle for the tip transform. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | target | The transform handle for the target transform. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | hint | The transform handle for the hint transform. |
Single | posWeight | The weight for which target position has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
Single | rotWeight | The weight for which target rotation has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
Single | hintWeight | The weight for which hint transform has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
AffineTransform | targetOffset | The offset applied to the target transform. |
InverseSolveTwoBoneIK(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Quaternion, ref Vector3, ref Quaternion, ref Vector3, Boolean, Single, Single, Single, AffineTransform)
Sets the position for a hint and target for given bone positions.
public static void InverseSolveTwoBoneIK(Vector3 rootPosition, Vector3 midPosition, Vector3 tipPosition, Quaternion tipRotation, ref Vector3 targetPosition, ref Quaternion targetRotation, ref Vector3 hintPosition, bool isHintValid, float posWeight, float rotWeight, float hintWeight, AffineTransform targetOffset)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | rootPosition | The position of the root bone. |
Vector3 | midPosition | The position of the mid bone. |
Vector3 | tipPosition | The position of the tip bone. |
Quaternion | tipRotation | The rotation of the tip bone. |
Vector3 | targetPosition | The position of the target. |
Quaternion | targetRotation | The rotation of the target. |
Vector3 | hintPosition | The position of the hint. |
Boolean | isHintValid | Whether the hint position should be set. |
Single | posWeight | The weight for which target position has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
Single | rotWeight | The weight for which target rotation has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
Single | hintWeight | The weight for which hint transform has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
AffineTransform | targetOffset | The offset applied to the target transform. |
Lerp(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Linearly interpolates between two vectors using a vector interpolant.
public static Vector3 Lerp(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 t)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | a | Start Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | b | End Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | t | Interpolant Vector3 value. |
Type | Description |
Vector3 | Interpolated value. |
PassThrough(AnimationStream, ReadWriteTransformHandle)
Copies translation, rotation and scale values from specified Transform handle to stream.
public static void PassThrough(AnimationStream stream, ReadWriteTransformHandle handle)
Type | Name | Description |
AnimationStream | stream | The animation stream to work on. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | handle | The transform handle to copy. |
ProjectOnPlane(Vector3, Vector3)
Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
public static Vector3 ProjectOnPlane(Vector3 vector, Vector3 planeNormal)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | vector | The location of the vector above the plane. |
Vector3 | planeNormal | The direction from the vector towards the plane. |
Type | Description |
Vector3 | The location of the vector on the plane. |
Select(Single, Single, Single)
Returns b if c is greater than zero, a otherwise.
public static float Select(float a, float b, float c)
Type | Name | Description |
Single | a | First float value. |
Single | b | Second float value. |
Single | c | Comparator float value. |
Type | Description |
Single | Selected float value. |
Select(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Returns a componentwise selection between two vectors a and b based on a vector selection mask c. Per component, the component from b is selected when c is greater than zero, otherwise the component from a is selected.
public static Vector3 Select(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | a | First Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | b | Second Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | c | Comparator Vector3 value. |
Type | Description |
Vector3 | Selected Vector3 value. |
SolveFABRIK(ref NativeArray<Vector3>, ref NativeArray<Single>, Vector3, Single, Single, Int32)
Evaluates the FABRIK ChainIK algorithm.
public static bool SolveFABRIK(ref NativeArray<Vector3> linkPositions, ref NativeArray<float> linkLengths, Vector3 target, float tolerance, float maxReach, int maxIterations)
Type | Name | Description |
NativeArray<Vector3> | linkPositions | Uninitialized buffer of positions. linkPositions and linkLengths must have the same size. |
NativeArray<Single> | linkLengths | Array of distances in between positions. linkPositions and linkLenghts must have the same size. |
Vector3 | target | Target position. |
Single | tolerance | The maximum distance the resulting position and initial target are allowed to have in between them. |
Single | maxReach | The maximum distance the Transform chain can reach. |
Int32 | maxIterations | The maximum number of iterations allowed for the ChainIK algorithm to converge to a solution. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | Returns true if ChainIK calculations were successful. False otherwise. |
Implementation of unconstrained FABRIK solver : Forward and Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematic Aristidou A, Lasenby J. FABRIK: a fast, iterative solver for the inverse kinematics problem. Graphical Models 2011; 73(5): 243–260.
SolveTwoBoneIK(AnimationStream, ReadWriteTransformHandle, ReadWriteTransformHandle, ReadWriteTransformHandle, ReadOnlyTransformHandle, ReadOnlyTransformHandle, Single, Single, Single, AffineTransform)
Evaluates the Two-Bone IK algorithm.
public static void SolveTwoBoneIK(AnimationStream stream, ReadWriteTransformHandle root, ReadWriteTransformHandle mid, ReadWriteTransformHandle tip, ReadOnlyTransformHandle target, ReadOnlyTransformHandle hint, float posWeight, float rotWeight, float hintWeight, AffineTransform targetOffset)
Type | Name | Description |
AnimationStream | stream | The animation stream to work on. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | root | The transform handle for the root transform. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | mid | The transform handle for the mid transform. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | tip | The transform handle for the tip transform. |
ReadOnlyTransformHandle | target | The transform handle for the target transform. |
ReadOnlyTransformHandle | hint | The transform handle for the hint transform. |
Single | posWeight | The weight for which target position has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
Single | rotWeight | The weight for which target rotation has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
Single | hintWeight | The weight for which hint transform has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
AffineTransform | targetOffset | The offset applied to the target transform. |
SqrDistance(Vector3, Vector3)
Returns the square length between two vectors.
public static float SqrDistance(Vector3 lhs, Vector3 rhs)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | lhs | Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | rhs | Vector3 value. |
Type | Description |
Single | Square length between lhs and rhs. |
Returns the square value of a float.
public static float Square(float value)
Type | Name | Description |
Single | value | Float value. |
Type | Description |
Single | Squared value. |
Calculates the sum of all float elements in the array.
public static float Sum(NativeArray<float> floatBuffer)
Type | Name | Description |
NativeArray<Single> | floatBuffer | An array of float elements. |
Type | Description |
Single | Sum of all float elements. |