Class AnimationRuntimeUtils
Utility functions for runtime constraints.
Namespace: UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging
public static class AnimationRuntimeUtils
Lerp(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Linearly interpolates between two vectors using a vector interpolant.
public static Vector3 Lerp(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 t)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | a | Start Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | b | End Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | t | Interpolant Vector3 value. |
Type | Description |
Vector3 | Interpolated value. |
PassThrough(AnimationStream, ReadWriteTransformHandle)
Copies translation, rotation and scale values from specified Transform handle to stream.
public static void PassThrough(AnimationStream stream, ReadWriteTransformHandle handle)
Type | Name | Description |
AnimationStream | stream | The animation stream to work on. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | handle | The transform handle to copy. |
ProjectOnPlane(Vector3, Vector3)
Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
public static Vector3 ProjectOnPlane(Vector3 vector, Vector3 planeNormal)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | vector | The location of the vector above the plane. |
Vector3 | planeNormal | The direction from the vector towards the plane. |
Type | Description |
Vector3 | The location of the vector on the plane. |
Select(Single, Single, Single)
Returns b if c is greater than zero, a otherwise.
public static float Select(float a, float b, float c)
Type | Name | Description |
Single | a | First float value. |
Single | b | Second float value. |
Single | c | Comparator float value. |
Type | Description |
Single | Selected float value. |
Select(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Returns a componentwise selection between two vectors a and b based on a vector selection mask c. Per component, the component from b is selected when c is greater than zero, otherwise the component from a is selected.
public static Vector3 Select(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | a | First Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | b | Second Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | c | Comparator Vector3 value. |
Type | Description |
Vector3 | Selected Vector3 value. |
SolveFABRIK(ref NativeArray<Vector3>, ref NativeArray<Single>, Vector3, Single, Single, Int32)
Evaluates the FABRIK ChainIK algorithm.
public static bool SolveFABRIK(ref NativeArray<Vector3> linkPositions, ref NativeArray<float> linkLengths, Vector3 target, float tolerance, float maxReach, int maxIterations)
Type | Name | Description |
NativeArray<Vector3> | linkPositions | Uninitialized buffer of positions. linkPositions and linkLengths must have the same size. |
NativeArray<Single> | linkLengths | Array of distances in between positions. linkPositions and linkLenghts must have the same size. |
Vector3 | target | Target position. |
Single | tolerance | The maximum distance the resulting position and initial target are allowed to have in between them. |
Single | maxReach | The maximum distance the Transform chain can reach. |
Int32 | maxIterations | The maximum number of iterations allowed for the ChainIK algorithm to converge to a solution. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | Returns true if ChainIK calculations were successful. False otherwise. |
Implementation of unconstrained FABRIK solver : Forward and Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematic Aristidou A, Lasenby J. FABRIK: a fast, iterative solver for the inverse kinematics problem. Graphical Models 2011; 73(5): 243–260.
SolveTwoBoneIK(AnimationStream, ReadWriteTransformHandle, ReadWriteTransformHandle, ReadWriteTransformHandle, ReadOnlyTransformHandle, ReadOnlyTransformHandle, Single, Single, Single, AffineTransform)
Evaluates the Two-Bone IK algorithm.
public static void SolveTwoBoneIK(AnimationStream stream, ReadWriteTransformHandle root, ReadWriteTransformHandle mid, ReadWriteTransformHandle tip, ReadOnlyTransformHandle target, ReadOnlyTransformHandle hint, float posWeight, float rotWeight, float hintWeight, AffineTransform targetOffset)
Type | Name | Description |
AnimationStream | stream | The animation stream to work on. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | root | The transform handle for the root transform. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | mid | The transform handle for the mid transform. |
ReadWriteTransformHandle | tip | The transform handle for the tip transform. |
ReadOnlyTransformHandle | target | The transform handle for the target transform. |
ReadOnlyTransformHandle | hint | The transform handle for the hint transform. |
Single | posWeight | The weight for which target position has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
Single | rotWeight | The weight for which target rotation has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
Single | hintWeight | The weight for which hint transform has an effect on IK calculations. This is a value in between 0 and 1. |
AffineTransform | targetOffset | The offset applied to the target transform. |
SqrDistance(Vector3, Vector3)
Returns the square length between two vectors.
public static float SqrDistance(Vector3 lhs, Vector3 rhs)
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | lhs | Vector3 value. |
Vector3 | rhs | Vector3 value. |
Type | Description |
Single | Square length between lhs and rhs. |
Returns the square value of a float.
public static float Square(float value)
Type | Name | Description |
Single | value | Float value. |
Type | Description |
Single | Squared value. |
Calculates the sum of all float elements in the array.
public static float Sum(NativeArray<float> floatBuffer)
Type | Name | Description |
NativeArray<Single> | floatBuffer | An array of float elements. |
Type | Description |
Single | Sum of all float elements. |