All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
[0.1.4] - 2018-12-21
Patch Update of Unity Package Animation Rigging.
- Fixed onSceneGUIDelegate deprecation warning in BoneRenderUtils
[0.1.3] - 2018-12-21
Patch Update of Unity Package Animation Rigging.
- Fixed stale bone rendering in prefab isolation view.
- Updated constraints to have a transform sync scene to stream toggle only on inputs.
- Fixed Twist Correction component to have twist nodes with weight varying between [-1, 1]
- Added Maintain Offset dropdown to TwoBoneIK, ChainIK, Blend and Multi-Parent constraints
- Added Rig Transform component in order to tag extra objects not specified by constraints to have an influence in the animation stream
- Updated documentation and samples to reflect component changes
[0.1.2] - 2018-11-29
Patch Update of Unity Package Animation Rigging.
- Added constraint examples to Sample folder (Samples/ConstraintExamples/AnimationRiggingExamples.unitypackage)
- Fixed links in documentation
- Updated package description
[0.1.1] - 2018-11-26
Patch Update of Unity Package Animation Rigging.
- Improved blend constraint UI layout
- Fixed jittering of DampedTransform when constraint weight was in between 0 and 1
- Made generic interface of Get/Set AnimationJobCache functions
- Added separate size parameters for bones and tripods in BoneRenderer.
- Fixed NullReferenceException when deleting skeleton hierarchy while it's still being drawn by BoneRenderer.
- Fixed Reset and Undo operations on BoneRenderer not updating skeleton rendering.
- Reworked multi rig playable graph setup to have one initial scene to stream sync layer followed by subsequent rigs
- Prune duplicate rig references prior to creating sync to stream job
- Added passthrough conditions in animation jobs for proper stream values to be passed downstream when job weights are zero. Fixes a few major issues when character did not have a controller.
- Fixed bug in ChainIK causing chain to not align to full extent when target is out of reach
- Fixed TwoBoneIK bend normal strategy when limbs are collinear
- Reworked AnimationJobData classes to be declared as structs in order for their serialized members to be keyable within the Animation Window.
- Renamed component section and menu item "Runtime Rigging" to "Animation Rigging"
- Added check in SyncToStreamJob to make sure StreamHandle is still valid prior to reading it's values.
- Adding first draft of package documentation.
[0.1.0] - 2018-11-01
This is the first release of Unity Package Animation Rigging.
- RigBuilder component.
- Rig component.
- The following RuntimeRigConstraint components:
- BlendConstraint
- ChainIKConstraint
- MultiAimConstraint
- MultiParentConstraint
- MultiPositionConstraint
- MultiReferentialConstraint
- OverrideTransform
- TwistCorrection