Class AddressableAssetGroup
Contains the collection of asset entries associated with this group.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings
Assembly: Unity.Addressables.Editor.dll
public class AddressableAssetGroup : ScriptableObject, IComparer<AddressableAssetEntry>, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
Name | Description |
Default | Is the default group. |
FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction | If true, this Group is likely marked 'Cannot Change Post Release', but has a modified asset since the previous build. |
Guid | The group GUID. |
Name | The group name. |
ReadOnly | Is this group read only. This is normally false. |
SchemaTypes | Get the types of added schema for this group. |
Schemas | List of schemas for this group. |
Settings | The AddressableAssetSettings that this group belongs to. |
entries | The collection of asset entries. |
Name | Description |
AddSchema(Type, bool) | Creates and adds a schema of a given type to this group. The schema asset will be created in the GroupSchemas directory relative to the settings asset. |
AddSchema(AddressableAssetGroupSchema, bool) | Adds a copy of the provided schema object. |
AddSchema<TSchema>(bool) | Creates and adds a schema of a given type to this group. |
CanBeSetAsDefault() | Check if a group has the appropriate schemas and attributes that the Default Group requires. |
ClearSchemas(bool, bool) | Removes all schemas and optionally deletes the assets associated with them. |
Compare(AddressableAssetEntry, AddressableAssetEntry) | Compares two asset entries based on their guids. |
FindSchema(Type) | Gets the index of a schema based on its specified type. |
GatherAllAssets(List<AddressableAssetEntry>, bool, bool, bool, Func<AddressableAssetEntry, bool>) | Gathers all asset entries. Each explicit entry may contain multiple sub entries. For example, addressable folders create entries for each asset contained within. |
GetAssetEntry(string) | Get an entry via the asset guid. |
GetAssetEntry(string, bool) | Get an entry via the asset guid. |
GetSchema(Type) | Gets an added schema of the specified type. |
GetSchema<TSchema>() | Gets an added schema of the specified type. |
HasSchema(Type) | Checks if the group contains a schema of a given type. |
HasSchema<TSchema>() | Checks if the group contains a schema of a given type. |
IsDefaultGroup() | Check to see if a group is the Default Group. |
OnAfterDeserialize() | Implementation of ISerializationCallbackReceiver. Converts data from serializable format. |
OnBeforeSerialize() | Implementation of ISerializationCallbackReceiver. Converts data to serializable form before serialization, and sorts collections for deterministic ordering. |
RemoveAssetEntry(AddressableAssetEntry, bool) | Remove an entry. |
RemoveSchema(Type, bool) | Remove a given schema from this group. |
RemoveSchema<TSchema>(bool) | Remove a given schema from this group. |
SetDirty(ModificationEvent, object, bool, bool) | Marks the object as modified. |