Increment reference count of operation handle.
Add an update reveiver.
Releases all instances the given scence.
CreateChainOperation<TObject>(AsyncOperationHandle, Func<AsyncOperationHandle, AsyncOperationHandle<TObject>>)
Create a chain operation to handle dependencies.
CreateChainOperation<TObject>(AsyncOperationHandle, Func<AsyncOperationHandle, AsyncOperationHandle<TObject>>, bool)
Create a chain operation to handle dependencies.
CreateChainOperation<TObject, TObjectDependency>(AsyncOperationHandle<TObjectDependency>, Func<AsyncOperationHandle<TObjectDependency>, AsyncOperationHandle<TObject>>)
Create a chain operation to handle dependencies.
CreateChainOperation<TObject, TObjectDependency>(AsyncOperationHandle<TObjectDependency>, Func<AsyncOperationHandle<TObjectDependency>, AsyncOperationHandle<TObject>>, bool)
Create a chain operation to handle dependencies.
CreateCompletedOperationWithException<TObject>(TObject, Exception)
Creates an operation that has already completed with a specified result and error message./>.
CreateCompletedOperation<TObject>(TObject, string)
Creates an operation that has already completed with a specified result and error message./>.
CreateGenericGroupOperation(List<AsyncOperationHandle>, bool)
Create a group operation for a set of AsyncOperationHandles
Create a group operation for a set of locations.
Disposes internal resources used by the resource manager
GetResourceProvider(Type, IResourceLocation)
Gets the appropriate IResourceProvider for the given location and type .
ProvideInstance(IInstanceProvider, IResourceLocation, InstantiationParameters)
Asynchronously instantiate a prefab (GameObject) at the specified location .
Load the TObject at the specified location .
ProvideResources<TObject>(IList<IResourceLocation>, Action<TObject>)
Asynchronously load all objects in the given collection of locations .
If any matching location fails, all loads and dependencies will be released. The returned .Result will be null, and .Status will be Failed.
ProvideResources<TObject>(IList<IResourceLocation>, bool, Action<TObject>)
Asynchronously load all objects in the given collection of locations .
ProvideScene(ISceneProvider, IResourceLocation, LoadSceneMode, bool, int)
Load a scene at a specificed resource location.
ProvideScene(ISceneProvider, IResourceLocation, LoadSceneParameters, bool, int)
Load a scene at a specificed resource location.
ProvideScene(ISceneProvider, IResourceLocation, LoadSceneParameters, SceneReleaseMode, bool, int)
Load a scene at a specificed resource location.
Release the operation associated with the specified handle
ReleaseScene(ISceneProvider, AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance>)
Release a scene.
Remove update receiver.
StartOperation<TObject>(AsyncOperationBase<TObject>, AsyncOperationHandle)
Registers an operation with the ResourceManager. The operation will be executed when the dependency completes.
This should only be used when creating custom operations.
Checks for an internal id transform function and uses it to modify the internal id value.