Enum AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent
Options for labeling all the different generated events.
Namespace: UnityEditor .AddressableAssets .Settings
Assembly: solution.dll
public enum AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent
Name | Description |
ActiveBuildScriptChanged | Use to indicate that a new build script is being used as the active build script. |
ActivePlayModeScriptChanged | Use to indicate that a new script is being used as the active playmode data builder. |
ActiveProfileSet | Use to indicate that a profile has been set as the active profile. |
BatchModification | Use to indicate that a batch of asset entries was modified. Note that the posted object will be null. |
BuildSettingsChanged | Use to indicate that the build settings object was modified. |
CertificateHandlerChanged | Use to indicate that a new certificate handler is being used for the initialization object provider. |
DataBuilderAdded | Use to indicate that a new data builder script was added to the settings object. |
DataBuilderRemoved | Use to indicate that a data builder script was removed from the settings object. |
EntryAdded | Use to indicate that an asset entry was added to a group. |
EntryCreated | Use to indicate that an asset entry was created. |
EntryModified | Use to indicate that an asset entry was modified. |
EntryMoved | Use to indicate that an asset entry moved from one group to another. |
EntryRemoved | Use to indicate that an asset entry was removed from a group. |
GroupAdded | Use to indicate that a group was added to the settings object. |
GroupMoved | Use to indicate that a group changed its order placement within the list of groups in the settings object. |
GroupRemoved | Use to indicate that a group was removed from the the settings object. |
GroupRenamed | Use to indicate that a group in the settings object was renamed. |
GroupSchemaAdded | Use to indicate that a schema was added to a group. |
GroupSchemaModified | Use to indicate that a schema was modified. |
GroupSchemaRemoved | Use to indicate that a schema was removed from a group. |
GroupTemplateAdded | Use to indicate that a group template was added to the settings object. |
GroupTemplateRemoved | Use to indicate that a group template was removed from the settings object. |
GroupTemplateSchemaAdded | Use to indicate that a schema was added to a group template. |
GroupTemplateSchemaRemoved | Use to indicate that a schema was removed from a group template. |
HostingServicesManagerModified | Use to indicate that the hosting services manager was modified. |
InitializationObjectAdded | Use to indicate a new initialization object was added to the settings object. |
InitializationObjectRemoved | Use to indicate a initialization object was removed from the settings object. |
LabelAdded | Use to indicate that an asset label was added to the settings object. |
LabelRemoved | Use to indicate that an asset label was removed from the settings object. |
ProfileAdded | Use to indicate that a profile was added to the settings object. |
ProfileModified | Use to indicate that a profile was modified. |
ProfileRemoved | Use to indicate that a profile was removed from the settings object. |