Class Addressables
Entry point for Addressable API, this provides a simpler interface than using ResourceManager directly as it assumes string address type.
Namespace: UnityEngine.AddressableAssets
public static class Addressables : object
Name | Description |
kAddressablesRuntimeBuildLogPath | The name of the PlayerPrefs value used to set the path to check for build logs that need to be shown in the runtime. |
kAddressablesRuntimeDataPath | The name of the PlayerPrefs value used to set the path to load the addressables runtime data file. |
LibraryPath | The path to the Addressables Library subfolder |
Name | Description |
BuildPath | The path used by the Addressables system for its initialization data. |
InitializationOperation | Initialization operation. You can register a callback with this if you need to run code after Addressables is ready. Any requests made before this operaton completes will automatically cahin to its result. |
InstanceProvider | The Instance Provider used by the Addressables System. |
InternalIdTransformFunc | Functor to transform internal ids before being used by the providers. |
PlayerBuildDataPath | The path that addressables player data gets copied to during a player build. |
ResourceLocators | Gets the collection of configured IResourceLocator objects. Resource Locators are used to find IResourceLocation objects from user-defined typed keys. |
ResourceManager | Stores the ResourceManager associated with this Addressables instance. |
RuntimePath | The path used by the Addressables system to load initialization data. |
StreamingAssetsSubFolder | The subfolder used by the Addressables system for its initialization data. |
WebRequestOverride | Delegate that can be used to override the web request options before being sent. |
Name | Description |
AddResourceLocator(IResourceLocator, String, IResourceLocation) | Add a resource locator. |
CheckForCatalogUpdates(Boolean) | Checks all updatable content catalogs for a new version. |
CleanBundleCache(IEnumerable<String>) | Removes any AssetBundles that are no longer referenced in the bundle cache. This can occur when a new, updated catalog excludes entries present in an older catalog. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(IEnumerable) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a list of Addressable keys. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(IEnumerable, Boolean) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a list of Addressable keys. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(IList<Object>) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a list of Addressable keys. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(IList<Object>, Boolean) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a list of Addressable keys. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(IList<IResourceLocation>) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a list of Addressable locations. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(IList<IResourceLocation>, Boolean) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a list of Addressable locations. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(Object) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a given key. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(Object, Boolean) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a given key. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(String) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a list of Addressable keys. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearDependencyCacheAsync(String, Boolean) | Clear the cached AssetBundles for a list of Addressable keys. Operation may be performed async if Addressables is initializing or updating. |
ClearResourceLocators() | Remove all locators. |
DownloadDependencies(Object) | Downloads dependencies of assets marked with the specified label or address. |
DownloadDependenciesAsync(IEnumerable, Addressables.MergeMode, Boolean) | Downloads dependencies of assets identified by a list of keys. |
DownloadDependenciesAsync(IList<Object>, Addressables.MergeMode, Boolean) | Downloads dependencies of assets marked with the specified labels or addresses. See the DownloadDependenciesAsync documentation for more details. |
DownloadDependenciesAsync(IList<IResourceLocation>, Boolean) | Downloads dependencies of assets at the specified locations. |
DownloadDependenciesAsync(Object, Boolean) | Downloads dependencies of assets identified with the specified label or address. |
GetDownloadSize(Object) | Determines the required download size, dependencies included, for the specified |
GetDownloadSizeAsync(IEnumerable) | Determines the required download size, dependencies included, for the specified |
GetDownloadSizeAsync(IList<Object>) | Determines the required download size, dependencies included, for the specified |
GetDownloadSizeAsync(Object) | Determines the required download size, dependencies included, for the specified |
GetDownloadSizeAsync(String) | Determines the required download size, dependencies included, for the specified |
Initialize() | Initialize Addressables system. Addressables will be initialized on the first API call if this is not called explicitly. |
InitializeAsync() | Initialize the Addressables system, if needed. |
InitializeAsync(Boolean) | Initialize the Addressables system, if needed. |
Instantiate(Object, Transform, Boolean, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. Note that the dependency loading is done asynchronously, but generally the actual instantiate is synchronous. |
Instantiate(Object, InstantiationParameters, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. Note that the dependency loading is done asynchronously, but generally the actual instantiate is synchronous. |
Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion, Transform, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. Note that the dependency loading is done asynchronously, but generally the actual instantiate is synchronous. |
Instantiate(IResourceLocation, Transform, Boolean, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. Note that the dependency loading is done asynchronously, but generally the actual instantiate is synchronous. |
Instantiate(IResourceLocation, InstantiationParameters, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. Note that the dependency loading is done asynchronously, but generally the actual instantiate is synchronous. |
Instantiate(IResourceLocation, Vector3, Quaternion, Transform, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. Note that the dependency loading is done asynchronously, but generally the actual instantiate is synchronous. |
InstantiateAsync(Object, Transform, Boolean, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. |
InstantiateAsync(Object, InstantiationParameters, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. |
InstantiateAsync(Object, Vector3, Quaternion, Transform, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. |
InstantiateAsync(IResourceLocation, Transform, Boolean, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. |
InstantiateAsync(IResourceLocation, InstantiationParameters, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. |
InstantiateAsync(IResourceLocation, Vector3, Quaternion, Transform, Boolean) | Instantiate a single object. |
LoadAsset<TObject>(Object) | Load a single asset |
LoadAsset<TObject>(IResourceLocation) | Load a single asset |
LoadAssetAsync<TObject>(Object) | Loads a single Addressable asset identified by a key such as an address or label. |
LoadAssetAsync<TObject>(IResourceLocation) | Loads a single Addressable asset identified by an IResourceLocation. |
LoadAssets<TObject>(IList<Object>, Action<TObject>, Addressables.MergeMode) | Load multiple assets |
LoadAssets<TObject>(IList<IResourceLocation>, Action<TObject>) | Load multiple assets |
LoadAssets<TObject>(Object, Action<TObject>) | Load mutliple assets See the Loading Addressable Assets documentation for more details. |
LoadAssetsAsync<TObject>(IEnumerable, Action<TObject>, Addressables.MergeMode) | Loads multiple assets identified by a list of keys. |
LoadAssetsAsync<TObject>(IEnumerable, Action<TObject>, Addressables.MergeMode, Boolean) | Loads multiple assets, identified by a set of keys. |
LoadAssetsAsync<TObject>(IList<Object>, Action<TObject>, Addressables.MergeMode) | Loads multiple assets identified by a list of keys. |
LoadAssetsAsync<TObject>(IList<Object>, Action<TObject>, Addressables.MergeMode, Boolean) | Load multiple assets. Each key in the provided list will be translated into a list of locations. Those many lists will be combined down to one based on the provided MergeMode. See the Loading Addressable Assets documentation for more details. |
LoadAssetsAsync<TObject>(IList<IResourceLocation>, Action<TObject>) | Loads multiple assets, based on the list of locations provided. |
LoadAssetsAsync<TObject>(IList<IResourceLocation>, Action<TObject>, Boolean) | Loads multiple assets, based on the list of locations provided. |
LoadAssetsAsync<TObject>(Object, Action<TObject>) | Loads multiple assets identified by a single key. |
LoadAssetsAsync<TObject>(Object, Action<TObject>, Boolean) | Loads multiple assets identified by a single key. |
LoadContentCatalog(String, String) | Additively load catalogs from runtime data. The settings are not used. |
LoadContentCatalogAsync(String, Boolean, String) | Additively load catalogs from runtime data. |
LoadContentCatalogAsync(String, String) | Additively load catalogs from runtime data. |
LoadResourceLocations(IList<Object>, Addressables.MergeMode, Type) | Loads the resource locations specified by the keys. The method will always return success, with a valid IList of results. If nothing matches keys, IList will be empty |
LoadResourceLocations(Object, Type) | Request the locations for a given key. The method will always return success, with a valid IList of results. If nothing matches key, IList will be empty |
LoadResourceLocationsAsync(IEnumerable, Addressables.MergeMode, Type) | Loads the resource locations specified by a set of keys. |
LoadResourceLocationsAsync(IList<Object>, Addressables.MergeMode, Type) | Loads the resource locations specified by a list of keys. |
LoadResourceLocationsAsync(Object, Type) | Loads the resource locations specified by a key. |
LoadScene(Object, LoadSceneMode, Boolean, Int32) | Load scene. |
LoadScene(IResourceLocation, LoadSceneMode, Boolean, Int32) | Load scene. |
LoadSceneAsync(Object, LoadSceneMode, Boolean, Int32) | Loads an Addressable Scene asset. |
LoadSceneAsync(IResourceLocation, LoadSceneMode, Boolean, Int32) | Loads an Addressable Scene asset. |
Log(String) | Debug.Log wrapper method that is contional on the ADDRESSABLES_LOG_ALL symbol definition. This can be set in the Player preferences in the 'Scripting Define Symbols'. |
LogError(String) | Debug.LogError wrapper method. |
LogErrorFormat(String, Object[]) | Debug.LogErrorFormat wrapper method. |
LogException(Exception) | Debug.LogException wrapper method. |
LogException(AsyncOperationHandle, Exception) | Debug.LogException wrapper method. |
LogFormat(String, Object[]) | Debug.LogFormat wrapper method that is contional on the ADDRESSABLES_LOG_ALL symbol definition. This can be set in the Player preferences in the 'Scripting Define Symbols'. |
LogWarning(String) | Debug.LogWarning wrapper method. |
LogWarningFormat(String, Object[]) | Debug.LogWarningFormat wrapper method. |
Release(AsyncOperationHandle) | Release the operation and its associated resources. |
Release<TObject>(TObject) | Release asset. |
Release<TObject>(AsyncOperationHandle<TObject>) | Release the operation and its associated resources. |
ReleaseInstance(GameObject) | Releases and destroys an object that was created via Addressables.InstantiateAsync. |
ReleaseInstance(AsyncOperationHandle) | Releases and destroys an object that was created via Addressables.InstantiateAsync. |
ReleaseInstance(AsyncOperationHandle<GameObject>) | Releases and destroys an object that was created via Addressables.InstantiateAsync. |
RemoveResourceLocator(IResourceLocator) | Remove a locator; |
ResolveInternalId(String) | Used to resolve a string using addressables config values |
UnloadScene(AsyncOperationHandle, Boolean) | Release scene |
UnloadScene(AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance>, Boolean) | Release scene |
UnloadScene(AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance>, UnloadSceneOptions, Boolean) | Release scene |
UnloadScene(SceneInstance, Boolean) | Release scene |
UnloadSceneAsync(AsyncOperationHandle, Boolean) | Release scene |
UnloadSceneAsync(AsyncOperationHandle, UnloadSceneOptions, Boolean) | Release scene |
UnloadSceneAsync(AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance>, Boolean) | Release scene |
UnloadSceneAsync(SceneInstance, Boolean) | Release scene |
UnloadSceneAsync(SceneInstance, UnloadSceneOptions, Boolean) | Release scene |
UpdateCatalogs(IEnumerable<String>, Boolean) | Update the specified catalogs. |
UpdateCatalogs(Boolean, IEnumerable<String>, Boolean) | Update the specified catalogs. |