Namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Android
A storage class used to gather information required to copy Addressable bundle files into Android asset packs inside the Gradle project.
Build processor information required to copy specific Addressables bundle file into Android asset pack inside of the Gradle project.
In addition to the Default Build Script behavior (building AssetBundles), this script assigns Android bundled content to
"install-time", fast-follow" or "on-demand" asset packs using data from Play
We will generate some files to create asset packs in Gradle project using PlayAssetDeliveryModifyProjectScript and to store build and runtime data. These files are located in 'Assets/PlayAssetDelivery/Build/aa*' folders:
- Create a 'BuildProcessorData.json' file to store the build paths and Gradle project paths for bundles that should be copied to asset packs. When building Player this will be used by the PlayAssetDeliveryModifyProjectScript to copy bundles to their corresponding Gradle project paths.
- Create a 'CustomAssetPacksData.json' file to store custom asset pack information to be used at runtime. See Play
Asset . Also when building Player Addressables 'catalog.json' and 'settings.json' files are being relocated to the 'AddressablesAssetPack'.Delivery Initialization
Any content of Addressables.BuildPath directory which is not assigned to asset packs will be included in the streaming assets pack.
This happens with the groups which don't have Play
Custom asset pack information.
Stores information (name and delivery type) for all custom asset packs.
When building for Android with asset packs support ensures that active player data builder is set to build script which builds for Play Asset Delivery.
This script executes before the AddressablesPlayerBuildProcessor which depending on AddressableAssetSettings.BuildAddressablesWithPlayerBuild value might call active data builder to build addressables before building player.
Asset container for PlayAssetDeliveryInitializationData
Schema used for asset groups which should be packed to Android asset packs.
Checks that Addressables are generated for Play Asset Delivery if required. Restores active player data builder after building Addressables for Play Asset Delivery. Adds non-asset packs data to the Streaming Assets.
This script executes after the AddressablesPlayerBuildProcessor.