This page lists the minimum requirements you need to use the Adaptive Performance Android provider.
Unity Editor
This version of the Adaptive Performance Android provider requires at least Unity Editor version 2023.1.
Device support
Adaptive Performance Android currently supports devices that run Android 12+.
The following features currently only run on Google Pixel 6+ models and require Android 13.
Android and Unity Version support
Android API | Android | Unity (LTS) 2020.3 |
Unity (LTS) 2021.3 |
Unity (LTS) 2022.2 |
Unity (Preview) 2023.1 |
ADPF - Thermal APIs | 11 (R) | N | Y | Y | Y |
ADPF - Performance Hint APIs | 12 (S) | N | Y | Y | Y |
GameMode APIs | 13 (T) | N | N | N | Y |
GameState APIs | 13 (T) | N | N | N | Y |