All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[2.0.0-preview.9] - 2019-7-8
- Fix case where SpriteShape is not generated when the Bounds are lost.
[2.0.0-preview.8] - 2019-5-16
- Fixed issue when sprites are re-ordered in Angle Range.
- Updated Samples.
[2.0.0-preview.7] - 2019-5-10
- Version Update and fixes.
[2.0.0-preview.6] - 2019-5-8
- Added Sprite Variant Selector.
- Fix Variant Bug (
- Fix (Case 1146747) SpriteShape generating significant GC allocations every frame (OnWillRenderObject)
[2.0.0-preview.5] - 2019-4-18
- Shape angle does not show the accurate sprite on certain parts of the shape.
- SpriteShape - Unable to use the Depth buffer (
[2.0.0-preview.4] - 2019-3-28
- Disable burst for now until we have a final release.
[2.0.0-preview.3] - 2019-3-25
- Update Common version.
[2.0.0-preview.2] - 2019-3-8
- Fix Edge Case Scenario where Vertices along Continuous segment could be duplicated..
- Ensure that Collider uses a valid Sprite on Generation.
[2.0.0-preview.1] - 2019-2-27
- Updated version.
[1.1.0-preview.1] - 2019-2-10
- Spriteshape tessellation code is re-implemented in C# Jobs and utilizes Burst for Performance.
- Added Mirrored and Non-Mirrored continous Tangent mode.
- Simplified Collider Generation support and is part of C# Job/Burst for performance.
- Added Shortcut Keys (for setting Tangentmode, Sprite Variant and Mirror Tangent).
- Ability to drag Spriteshape Profile form Project view to Hierarchy to create Sprite Shape in Scene.
- Simplified Corner mode for Points and is now enabled by default.
- Added Stretch UV support for Fill Area.
- Added Color property to SpriteShapeRenderer.
- SpriteShapeController shows wrong Sprites after deleting a sprite from the top angle range.
- Empty SpriteShapeController still seem to show the previous Spriteshape drawcalls
- Streched Sprites are generated in between non Linked Points
- Corners sprites are no longer usable if user only sets the corners for the bottom
- Sprites in SpriteShape still shows even after user deletes the SpriteShape Profile
- SpriteShape doesn't update Point Positions visually at runtime for Builds
- Spriteshape Colliders does not update in scene immediately
- Fixed constant Mesh baking (
- Fixed Bounds generation issue (
- Sprite Shape Profile component breaks when creating range
- Fixed when sprite is updated in the sprite editor, the spriteshape is not updated.
- Fixed cases where Spline Edit is disabled even when points are selected. (
- Sprite with SpriteShapeBody Shader gets graphical artifacts when rotating the camera.
- When multiple SpriteShapes are selected, Edit Spline button is now disabled. (
- Fixed texelSize property (
- Fixed Collider generation for different quality levels. (
- Fixed Framing Issues (
- Fixed Collider generation for Offsets (
- Fixed Collider generation for different Heights (
- SpriteShape Asset parameters WorldSpace UV, PixelPerUnit have been moved to SpriteShapeController properties.
- Collider generation has been simplified and aligns well with the generated geometry (different height, corners etc.)
- Remove redundant parameters BevelCutoff and BevelSize that can be done by simply modifying source spline.
[1.0.12-preview.1] - 2018-8-03
- Fix issue where Point Positions do not update visually at runtime for Builds
[1.0.11-preview] - 2018-6-20
- Fix Spriteshape does not update when Sprites are reimported.
- Fix SpriteShapeController in Scene view shows a different sprite when user reapplies a Sprite import settings
- Fix Editor Crashed when user adjusts the "Bevel Cutoff" value
- Fix Crash when changing Spline Control Points for a Sprite Shape Controller in debug Inspector
- Fix SpriteShape generation when End-points are Broken.
- Fix cases where the UV continuity is broken even when the Control point is continous.
[1.0.10-preview] - 2018-4-12
- Version number format changed to -preview
[0.1.0] - 2017-11-20
- Bezier Spline Shape
- Corner Sprites
- Edge variations
- Point scale
- SpriteShapeRenderer with support for masking
- Auto update collision shape