Fixed an issue where the background importer would act on files that were not Aseprite files.
[1.0.0] - 2023-05-17
Added a new event to the Aseprite Importer which is fired at the last import process step.
Made the Aseprite file property publicly available.
Made the Aseprite file parsing API publicly available.
Fixed an issue where the Animation Window would no longer detect Animation Clips on a prefab. (DANB-458)
[1.0.0-pre.4] - 2023-04-16
Added a property to set the padding within each generated SpriteRect.
Added an option to select import mode for the file, either Animated Sprite or Sprite Sheet.
Fixed an issue where the platform settings could not be modified. (DANB-445)
Fixed an issue where the Animation Events would be generated with the wrong time stamp.
[1.0.0-pre.3] - 2023-03-23
Bursted the texture generation tasks, to speed up importation of Aseprite files. (Note: Only for Unity 2022.2 and newer).
Layer blend modes are now supported with Import Mode: Merge Frames.
Added ability to generate Animation Events from Cell user data.
Added ability to export Animator Controller and/or Animation Clips.
Added canvasSize to the Aseprite Importer's public API.
Fixed an issue where the last frame in a generated Animation Clip would receive an incorrect length. (DANB-434)
Improved the background importer, so that it only imports modified Aseprite files in the background.
[1.0.0-pre.2] - 2023-02-27
Added support for individual frame timings in animation clips.
Added support for layer groups.
Added support for Layer & Cel opacity.
Added support for repeating/non repeating tags/clips.
The importer UI is now re-written in UI Toolkit.
If a Model Prefab only contains one SpriteRenderer, all components will be placed on the root GameObject, rather than generating a single GameObject to house them.
A Sorting Group component is added by default to Model Prefabs with more than one Sprite Renderer.
Fixed an issue where renaming an Asperite file in Unity would throw a null reference exception. (DANB-384)
Fixed an issue where the background importer would import assets even when Unity Editor has focus.
Fixed an issue where the Pixels Per Unit value could be set to invalid values.