Class SpriteSkin
Deforms the Sprite that is currently assigned to the SpriteRenderer in the same GameObject.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .U2D.Animation
Assembly: solution.dll
[AddComponentMenu("2D Animation/Sprite Skin")]
public sealed class SpriteSkin : MonoBehaviour, IPreviewable, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
Name | Description |
always |
Determines if the SpriteSkin executes even if the associated SpriteRenderer has been culled from view. |
bone |
Returns the Transform Components that is used for deformation. Do not modify elements of the returned array. |
root |
Returns the Transform Component that represents the root bone for deformation. |
Name | Description |
Get |
Gets an enumerable to iterate through all deformed vertex positions of this SpriteSkin. |
Get |
Gets an enumerable to iterate through all deformed vertex tangents of this SpriteSkin. |
Has |
Returns whether this SpriteSkin has currently deformed vertices. |
On |
Called after object is deserialized. |
On |
Called before object is serialized. |