Legacy Documentation: Version 5.6 (Go to current version)
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Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


interface in UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering

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Defines a series of commands and settings that describes how Unity renders a frame.

Unity supports a few built-in rendering pipelines optimized for specific platforms. These pipelines are open source and available in the Github project.

You can also define your own custom RenderPipeline tailored for your specific project needs. To create a custom RenderPipeline:

1) Create a script that extends RenderPipelineAsset or IRenderPipelineAsset, this will become the manager and provider for you RenderPipeline. 2) Implement IRenderPipeline and override IRenderPipeline.Render and IRenderPipeline._disposed 3) Create a RenderPipeline Asset by using ScriptableObject.CreateAsset. 3) Use your RenderPipeline either by assigning it in the GraphicsSettings in the Editor or by using the scripting interface GraphicsSettings.renderPipeline".


disposedWhen the IRenderPipeline is invalid or destroyed this returns true.

Public Functions

RenderDefines custom rendering for this RenderPipeline.