Legacy Documentation: Version 5.6 (Go to current version)
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public void Close();


Close the editor window.

This will destroy the editor window

Simple window that lets you delete components from the selected Game Objects.

// Create a simple popup window that lets you delete a specific
// Component from the GameObjects you have selected
// Warning: There is no undo in this action.

class ShowPopupEx extends EditorWindow { var className = "Rigidbody"; @MenuItem("Example/Delete Components in Selection") static function Init() { var window = new ShowPopupEx(); window.position = Rect(Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2, 250, 50); window.ShowPopup(); }

// Disable the menu if we dont have anything selected @MenuItem("Example/Delete Components in Selection", true) static function ValidateDeleteComponentsInSelectionOfType() { return Selection.GetFiltered( GameObject, SelectionMode.Editable | SelectionMode.Deep) != null; }

function OnGUI() { className = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Component:",className); if(GUILayout.Button("Delete!")) { var destroyedCount = 0;

for (var obj in Selection.GetFiltered( GameObject, SelectionMode.Editable | SelectionMode.Deep)) { var component = obj.GetComponent.<className>(); if (component) { DestroyImmediate(component); destroyedCount++; } } this.Close(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Deletion Report", String.Format("Deleted {0} components of type \"{1}\"", destroyedCount, className), "Close"); } }
