ReadBoolean | Reads a boolean from the stream. |
ReadByte | Reads a byte from the stream. |
ReadBytes | Reads a number of bytes from the stream. |
ReadBytesAndSize | This read a 16-bit byte count and a array of bytes of that size from the stream. |
ReadChar | Reads a char from the stream. |
ReadColor | Reads a unity Color objects. |
ReadColor32 | Reads a unity color32 objects. |
ReadDouble | Reads a double from the stream. |
ReadGameObject | Reads a reference to a GameObject from the stream. |
ReadInt16 | Reads a signed 16 bit integer from the stream. |
ReadInt32 | Reads a signed 32bit integer from the stream. |
ReadInt64 | Reads a signed 64 bit integer from the stream. |
ReadMatrix4x4 | Reads a unity Matrix4x4 object. |
ReadNetworkHash128 | Reads a NetworkHash128 assetId. |
ReadNetworkId | Reads a NetworkInstanceId from the stream. |
ReadNetworkIdentity | Reads a reference to a NetworkIdentity from the stream. |
ReadPackedUInt32 | Reads a 32-bit variable-length-encoded value. |
ReadPackedUInt64 | Reads a 64-bit variable-length-encoded value. |
ReadPlane | Reads a unity Plane object. |
ReadQuaternion | Reads a Unity Quaternion object. |
ReadRay | Reads a Unity Ray object. |
ReadRect | Reads a Unity Rect object. |
ReadSByte | Reads a signed byte from the stream. |
ReadSceneId | Reads a NetworkSceneId from the stream. |
ReadSingle | Reads a float from the stream. |
ReadString | Reads a string from the stream. (max of 32k bytes). |
ReadTransform | Reads a reference to a Transform from the stream. |
ReadUInt16 | Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer from the stream. |
ReadUInt32 | Reads an unsigned 32 bit integer from the stream. |
ReadUInt64 | Reads an unsigned 64 bit integer from the stream. |
ReadVector2 | Reads a Unity Vector2 object. |
ReadVector3 | Reads a Unity Vector3 objects. |
ReadVector4 | Reads a Unity Vector4 object. |
SeekZero | Sets the current position of the reader's stream to the start of the stream. |
ToString | Returns a string representation of the reader's buffer. |