Legacy Documentation: Version 5.3
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Sent to all game objects when the player gets or loses focus.

OnApplicationFocus can be a co-routine; simply use the yield statement in the function.Implemented this way, it will be evaluated twice during the initial frame: first as an early notification and second time during the normal coroutine update step.

On Android, when the on-screen keyboard is enabled, it will cause OnApplicationFocus( false ) event. Also, if you press "home" at the moment the keyboard is enabled, the OnApplicationFocus() event won't get called, but OnApplicationPause() will be called instead.

using UnityEngine;

public class AppPaused : MonoBehaviour { bool isPaused = false;

void OnGUI( ) { if( isPaused ) GUI.Label( new Rect( 100, 100, 50, 30 ), "Game paused" ); }

void OnApplicationFocus( bool focusStatus ) { isPaused = focusStatus; }

void OnApplicationPause( bool pauseStatus ) { isPaused = pauseStatus; } }