Legacy Documentation: Version 5.3
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Removed in version 5.3.6
GetCurrentAnimationClipState is obsolete. Use GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo instead (UnityUpgradable) -> GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(*)


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public function GetCurrentAnimationClipState(layerIndex: int): AnimationInfo[];
public AnimationInfo[] GetCurrentAnimationClipState(int layerIndex);


layerIndex The layer's index.


Gets the list of AnimatorClipInfo currently played by the current state.

Note that the API that replaces this deprecated method, GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo, has a different return type.

When upgrading usage of this API, remember that an array of AnimatorClipInfo objects is now returned:

no example available in JavaScript
          Animator animator = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator> ();
foreach (var nextClipInfo in animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)) {
	//do something with nextClipInfo