Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

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GetPixels32(colors: Color32[] = null): Color32[];


colorsOptional array to receive pixel data.


Returns the pixels data in raw format.

This can be faster then calling GetPixels, as pixel data does not have to be converted to color structs, so you may want to use it if you need to do continuous processing on the video feed. You can optionally pass in an array of Color32s to use in colors to avoid allocating new memory each frame, which is faster when you are continuously reading data from the camera. The array needs to be initialized to a length matching width * height of the texture. If you don't pass an array, GetPixels32 will allocate one for you and return it.

	var webcamTexture : WebCamTexture;
	var data : Color32[];
	function Start () {
		// Start web cam feed
		webcamTexture = WebCamTexture();
		data = new Color32[webcamTexture.width * webcamTexture.height];
	function Update () {
		webcamTexture.GetPixels32 (data);
		// Do processing of data here.