Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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def WebCamTexture()
WebCamTexture(requestedWidth: int, requestedHeight: int, requestedFPS: int)
WebCamTexture(int requestedWidth, int requestedHeight, int requestedFPS);
def WebCamTexture(requestedWidth as int, requestedHeight as int, requestedFPS as int)
WebCamTexture(requestedWidth: int, requestedHeight: int)
WebCamTexture(int requestedWidth, int requestedHeight);
def WebCamTexture(requestedWidth as int, requestedHeight as int)
WebCamTexture(deviceName: string)
WebCamTexture(string deviceName);
def WebCamTexture(deviceName as string)
WebCamTexture(deviceName: string, requestedWidth: int, requestedHeight: int)
WebCamTexture(string deviceName, int requestedWidth, int requestedHeight);
def WebCamTexture(deviceName as string, requestedWidth as int, requestedHeight as int)
WebCamTexture(deviceName: string, requestedWidth: int, requestedHeight: int, requestedFPS: int)
WebCamTexture(string deviceName, int requestedWidth, int requestedHeight, int requestedFPS);
def WebCamTexture(deviceName as string, requestedWidth as int, requestedHeight as int, requestedFPS as int)


deviceNameThe name of the video input device to be used.
requestedWidthThe requested width of the texture.
requestedHeightThe requested height of the texture.
requestedFPSThe requested frame rate of the texture.


Create a WebCamTexture.

Use WebCamTexture.devices to get a list of the names of available camera devices. If no device name is supplied to the constructor or is passed as a null string, the first device found will be used.

The requested width, height and framerate specified by the parameters may not be supported by the chosen camera. In such cases, the closest available values will be used.

Note: if you want to use WebCamTextures in the web player, you need to get the user's permission to do so. Call Application.RequestUserAuthorization before creating a WebCamTexture.

Note: if you want to use WebCamTexture to play the camera stream from device connected through Unity Remote, then you must initalize it through the constructor. Later it's not possible to change device using WebCamTexture.deviceName from regular devices to remote devices and vice versa.