Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

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LoadImage(data: byte[]): bool;
bool LoadImage(byte[] data);
def LoadImage(data as byte[]) as bool


Loads an image from a byte array.

This function loads a JPG or PNG image from raw byte[] array.

	// Load a .jpg or .png file by adding .txt extensions to the file
	// and dragging it on the imageTextAsset

var imageTextAsset : TextAsset; function Start () { var tex = new Texture2D (4, 4); tex.LoadImage(imageTextAsset.bytes); renderer.material.mainTexture = tex; }

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
    public TextAsset imageTextAsset;
    void Start() {
        Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(4, 4);
        renderer.material.mainTexture = tex;
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class ExampleClass(MonoBehaviour):

	public imageTextAsset as TextAsset

	def Start() as void:
		tex as Texture2D = Texture2D(4, 4)
		renderer.material.mainTexture = tex

This function replaces texture contents with new image data. After LoadImage, texture size and format might change. JPG files are loaded into RGB24 format, PNG files are loaded into ARGB32 format. If texture format before calling LoadImage is DXT1 or DXT5, then the loaded image will be DXT-compressed (into DXT1 for JPG images and DXT5 for PNG images).

See Also: EncodeToPNG function.