Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

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UpdateTileRaw(tileX: int, tileY: int, miplevel: int, data: byte[]): void;
void UpdateTileRaw(int tileX, int tileY, int miplevel, byte[] data);
def UpdateTileRaw(tileX as int, tileY as int, miplevel as int, data as byte[]) as void


tileXTile X coordinate.
tileYTile Y coordinate.
miplevelMipmap level of the texture.
dataTile raw pixel data.


Update sparse texture tile with raw pixel values.

This function behaves just like UpdateTile, except the data you pass already needs to be in the final texture format. This is mostly useful for compressed sparse textures, where you'd want to load already precompressed tile data.

See Also: UnloadTile, UpdateTile.