Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

  • JS
  • C#
  • Boo
Script language

Select your preferred scripting language. All code snippets will be displayed in this language.



Type of a SerializedProperty.

See Also: SerializedProperty.propertyType.


IntegerInteger property.
BooleanBoolean property.
FloatFloat property.
StringString property.
ColorColor property.
ObjectReferenceReference to another object.
LayerMask LayerMask property.
EnumEnumeration property.
Vector22D vector property.
Vector33D vector property.
Vector44D vector property.
RectRectangle property.
ArraySizeArray size property.
CharacterCharacter property.
AnimationCurveAnimationCurve property.
BoundsBounds property.
GradientGradient property.