Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

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Namespace: UnityEditor


Allows to control the lightmapping job.

Before starting the job the bake settings can be set via LightmapEditorSettings.

See Also: LightmapEditorSettings.

Static Variables

isRunningReturns true when the bake job is running, false otherwise (Read Only).

Static Functions

BakeStars a synchronous bake job.
BakeAsyncStarts an asynchronous bake job.
BakeLightProbesOnlyStarts a synchronous bake job, but only bakes light probes.
BakeLightProbesOnlyAsyncStarts an asynchronous bake job, but only bakes light probes.
BakeSelectedStars a synchronous bake job for the selected objects.
BakeSelectedAsyncStarts an asynchronous bake job for the selected objects.
CancelCancels the currently running asynchronous bake job.
ClearDeletes all lightmap assets and makes all lights behave as if they weren't baked yet.
TetrahedralizeCalculates a Delaunay Tetrahedralization of the 'positions' point set - the same way the lightmapper.