Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

  • JS
  • C#
  • Boo
Script language

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Namespace: UnityEditor


Static Variables

activeBuildTargetThe currently active build target.
activeBuildTargetChangedTriggered in response to SwitchActiveBuildTarget.
activeScriptCompilationDefinesDEFINE directives for the compiler.
allowDebuggingEnable source-level debuggers to connect.
androidBuildSubtargetAndroid platform options.
appendProjectAppend (rather than replace) the build of an iOS Xcode project.
blackberryBuildSubtargetThe texture compression type to be used when building.
blackberryBuildTypeThe build type to be used.
connectProfilerStart the player with a connection to the profiler.
developmentEnables a development build.
explicitNullChecksAre null references actively checked?
installInBuildFolderPlace the built player in the build folder.
metroGenerateReferenceProjectsGenerate and reference C# projects from your main solution.
psp2BuildSubtargetPS Vita Build subtarget.
sceBuildSubtargetSCE Build subtarget.
selectedBuildTargetGroupThe currently selected build target group.
selectedStandaloneTargetThe currently selected target for a standalone build.
symlinkLibrariesSymlink runtime libraries with an iOS Xcode project.
tizenBuildSubtargetThe texture compression type to be used when building.
webPlayerOfflineDeploymentBuild the webplayer along with the UnityObject.js file (so it doesn't need to be downloaded).
webPlayerStreamedSelect the streaming option for a webplayer build.
xboxBuildSubtargetXbox Build subtarget.
xboxRunMethodSelected Xbox Run Method.

Static Functions

GetBuildLocationGet the current location for the build.
SetBuildLocationSet a new location for the build.
SwitchActiveBuildTargetSelect a new build target to be active.