Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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Script language

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GetPixel(face: CubemapFace, x: int, y: int): Color;
Color GetPixel(CubemapFace face, int x, int y);
def GetPixel(face as CubemapFace, x as int, y as int) as Color


Returns pixel color at coordinates (face, x, y).

If the pixel coordinates are out of bounds (larger than width/height or small than 0), they will be clamped or repeat based on the texture's wrap mode.

The texture must have the Is Readable flag set in the import settings, otherwise this function will fail.

	// prints the color of the pixel at (0,0) of the +X face
	var c : Cubemap;
	Debug.Log(c.GetPixel(CubemapFace.PositiveX, 0, 0));
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
    public Cubemap c;
    void Example() {
        Debug.Log(c.GetPixel(CubemapFace.PositiveX, 0, 0));
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class ExampleClass(MonoBehaviour):

	public c as Cubemap

	def Example() as void:
		Debug.Log(c.GetPixel(CubemapFace.PositiveX, 0, 0))