Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

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ComputeBuffer(count: int, stride: int)
ComputeBuffer(int count, int stride);
def ComputeBuffer(count as int, stride as int)
ComputeBuffer(count: int, stride: int, type: ComputeBufferType)
ComputeBuffer(int count, int stride, ComputeBufferType type);
def ComputeBuffer(count as int, stride as int, type as ComputeBufferType)


countNumber of elements in the buffer.
strideSize of one element in the buffer. Has to match size of buffer type in the shader.
typeType of the buffer, default is ComputeBufferType.Default.

See Also: SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders, ComputeShader class, Shader.SetGlobalBuffer, Material.SetBuffer, Compute Shaders.


Create a Compute Buffer.

Use Release to release the buffer when no longer needed.