time | Time in seconds. |
Changes the time at which a sound that has already been scheduled to play will end. Notice that depending on the timing not all rescheduling requests can be fulfilled.
Note that the time specified is still a time on the absolute time-line, meaning that the sound will stop when reaching that time, regardless of when it was started. So if you have a 5 second long sound and want it to play at time T and stop after 3 seconds (i.e. silencing the last 2 seconds of the sound), you need to specify the end time to be T+3. This function is useful in music systems to overcome the discontinuities in signals that frame-based lossy codecs cause.
// Demonstration of a tool that cuts up a clip into two clips with a short overlaps, then stitches them together at playback time. // An overlap of 0.2 seconds is used meaning that the clip will be cut onto two portions of approximately the same size, // but with the first sound having 0.2s of the sound after the cut and the second clip starting with // 0.2s of the sound before the cut. // The idea is then to play cut1 from its start to the cut point and then stop playback, i.e. not playing // the 0.2s overlap (this happens via the SetScheduledEndTime), then play cut2 starting 0.2s into the sound and // playing it to the end. // While this may seem unnecessarily complicated to do this in the case of uncompressed sounds, you can now use // the SavWav code from https://gist.github.com/2317063 to save the generated clips into new assets, // run the program once with a specified sourceClip and the script will generate "cut1.wav" and "cut2.wav". // These can now be imported into Unity as assets and changed to compressed sounds. // Since psychoacoustic compression severely alters the waveforms and frequency content of sounds and // furthermore operates in a block-based fashion, it would cause very noticeable pops and clicks if we didn't // have the sound data after and before the cut point. By having it, even though we are not playing it, the decoder is "warmed up", // i.e. it has matching frequency content before and after the transition, so at least the // frequency spectrum will be more or less the same before and after the transition and so the click will be less audible // than if we had just cut up the sound without the 0.2s overlap regions. // This method may also be combined with cross-fading in order to further smoothen out any remaining artifacts.@script RequireComponent(AudioSource)
public var sourceClip : AudioClip;
private var audio1 : AudioSource; private var audio2 : AudioSource; private var cutClip1 : AudioClip; private var cutClip2 : AudioClip; private var overlap : float = 0.2f; private var len1 : int = 0; private var len2 : int = 0;
function Start () { var child : GameObject; child = new GameObject("Player1"); child.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; audio1 = child.AddComponent("AudioSource"); child = new GameObject("Player2"); child.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; audio2 = child.AddComponent("AudioSource"); var overlapSamples : int; if(sourceClip != null) { len1 = sourceClip.samples / 2; len2 = sourceClip.samples - len1; overlapSamples = overlap * sourceClip.frequency; cutClip1 = AudioClip.Create ("cut1", len1 + overlapSamples, sourceClip.channels, sourceClip.frequency, false, false); cutClip2 = AudioClip.Create ("cut2", len2 + overlapSamples, sourceClip.channels, sourceClip.frequency, false, false); var smp1 = new float [(len1 + overlapSamples) * sourceClip.channels]; var smp2 = new float [(len2 + overlapSamples) * sourceClip.channels]; sourceClip.GetData(smp1, 0); sourceClip.GetData(smp2, len1 - overlapSamples); cutClip1.SetData(smp1, 0); cutClip2.SetData(smp2, 0); //SavWav.Save("cut1.wav", cutClip1); //SavWav.Save("cut2.wav", cutClip2); } else { overlapSamples = overlap * cutClip1.frequency; len1 = cutClip1.samples - overlapSamples; len2 = cutClip2.samples - overlapSamples; } }
function OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 50, 230, 40), "Trigger source")) audio1.PlayOneShot(sourceClip); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 100, 230, 40), "Trigger cut 1")) audio1.PlayOneShot(cutClip1); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 150, 230, 40), "Trigger cut 2")) audio1.PlayOneShot(cutClip2); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 200, 230, 40), "Play stitched")) { audio1.clip = cutClip1; audio2.clip = cutClip2; var t0 = AudioSettings.dspTime + 3.0; var clipTime1 : double = len1; clipTime1 /= cutClip1.frequency; audio1.PlayScheduled(t0); audio1.SetScheduledEndTime(t0 + clipTime1); Debug.Log("t0 = " + t0 + ", clipTime1 = " + clipTime1 + ", cutClip1.frequency = " + cutClip1.frequency); Debug.Log("cutClip2.frequency = " + cutClip2.frequency + ", samplerate = " + AudioSettings.outputSampleRate); audio2.PlayScheduled(t0 + clipTime1); audio2.time = overlap; } }
Note: If possible create clips that overlap, and use the scheduled end time for the first, and AudioSource.time for the second to trim out the overlapped part, as the example above shows.