Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

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Namespace: UnityEditor


Editor utility functions for modifying animation clips.

Static Functions

CalculateTransformPathCalculates path from root transform to target transform.
GetAllCurvesRetrieves all curves from a specific animation clip.
GetAnimationClipsReturns the array of AnimationClips that are referenced in the Animation component.
GetAnimationEventsRetrieves all animation events associated with the animation clip.
GetEditorCurveUnity automatic combines position curves, scale curves, rotation curves internally.
GetFloatValueRetrieves the current float value by sampling a curve value on a specific game object.
SetAnimationClipsSets the array of AnimationClips to be referenced in the Animation component.
SetAnimationEventsReplaces all animation events in the animation clip.
SetEditorCurveAdds an editor curve to the given clip.