Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

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Namespace: UnityEngine


AnimationEvent lets you call a script function similar to SendMessage as part of playing back an animation.

Animation events support functions that take zero or one parameter. The parameter can be a float, an int, a string, an object reference, or an AnimationEvent.


animationStateThe animation state that fired this event (Read Only).
floatParameterFloat parameter that is stored in the event and will be sent to the function.
functionNameThe name of the function that will be called.
intParameterInt parameter that is stored in the event and will be sent to the function.
messageOptionsFunction call options.
objectReferenceParameterObject reference parameter that is stored in the event and will be sent to the function.
stringParameterString parameter that is stored in the event and will be sent to the function.
timeThe time at which the event will be fired off.


AnimationEventCreates a new animation event.