Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

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var localBounds: Bounds;
Bounds localBounds;
localBounds as Bounds


AABB of this Animation animation component in local space.

By default it is computed based on animation states (i.e. attached animation clips), unless user overrides it by setting value to localBounds. You can switch back to precomputed bounds by setting cullingType to AnimationCullingType.BasedOnClipBounds. Value of localBounds is undefined when cullingType is not set to AnimationCullingType.BasedOnClipBounds or AnimationCullingType.BasedOnUserBounds. When setting localBounds cullingType will be set to AnimationCullingType.BasedOnUserBounds automatically. See Also: AnimationClip.localBounds property, cullingType, AnimationCullingType.BasedOnClipBounds.