
function Focus () : void


Moves keyboard focus to this EditorWindow.

See Also: focusedWindow.

Focus one window by pressing the button on other window.

    // Simple Editor Window that when clicked focuses another window.
// Usage: Open both windows (Window 1 and Window 2) and just press the button
// to see how the focus changes
class Window1 extends EditorWindow {

static var instance;

@MenuItem("Example/Show Focus Usage/Window1")
static function Init() {
var window = EditorWindow.GetWindow(Window1);

function Window1() {
instance = this;

function OnGUI() {
if(GUILayout.Button("Focus the other window!")) {

And on another file:

    // Simple Editor Window that when clicked focuses another window.
// Usage: Open both windows (Window 1 and Window 2) and just press the button
// to see how the focus changes

class Window2 extends EditorWindow {

static var instance;

@MenuItem("Example/Show Focus Usage/Window2")
static function Init() {
var window = EditorWindow.GetWindow(Window2);

function Window2() {
instance = this;

function OnGUI() {
if(GUILayout.Button("Focus the other window!")) {