WWW.WWW Manual     Reference     Scripting  
Scripting > Runtime Classes > WWW

static function WWW (url : String) : WWW


url The url to download.


WWW - A new WWW object. When it has been downloaded, the results can be fetched from the returned object.


Creates a WWW request with the given URL.

This function creates and sends a GET request. The stream will automatically start downloading the response.

After the stream is created you have to wait for it to complete, then you can access the downloaded data. As a convenience the stream can be yielded, so you can very easily tell Unity to wait for the download to complete.

// Get the latest webcam shot from outside "Friday's" in Times Square
var url = "http://images.earthcam.com/ec_metros/ourcams/fridays.jpg";
function Start () {
// Start a download of the given URL
var www : WWW = new WWW (url);

// Wait for download to complete
yield www;

// assign texture
renderer.material.mainTexture = www.texture;

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public string url = "http://images.earthcam.com/ec_metros/ourcams/fridays.jpg";
IEnumerator Start() {
WWW www = new WWW(url);
yield return www;
renderer.material.mainTexture = www.texture;

import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

class example(MonoBehaviour):

public url as string = 'http://images.earthcam.com/ec_metros/ourcams/fridays.jpg'

def Start() as IEnumerator:
www as WWW = WWW(url)
yield www
renderer.material.mainTexture = www.texture

static function WWW (url : String, form : WWWForm) : WWW


url The url to download.
form A WWWForm instance containing the form data to post.


WWW - A new WWW object. When it has been downloaded, the results can be fetched from the returned object.


Creates a WWW request with the given URL.

This function creates and sends a POST request with form data contained in a WWWForm parameter. This is the same as calling new WWW(url,form.data, form.headers). The stream will automatically start downloading the response.

After the stream is created you have to wait for it to complete, then you can access the downloaded data. As a convenience the stream can be yielded, so you can very easily tell Unity to wait for the download to complete.

static function WWW (url : String, postData : byte[]) : WWW


url The url to download.
postData A byte array of data to be posted to the url.


WWW - A new WWW object. When it has been downloaded, the results can be fetched from the returned object.


Creates a WWW request with the given URL.

This function creates and sends a POST request with raw post data contained in postData. The stream will automatically start downloading the response. Use this version if you need to post raw post data in a custom format to the server.

After the stream is created you have to wait for it to complete, then you can access the downloaded data. As a convenience the stream can be yielded, so you can very easily tell Unity to wait for the download to complete.

static function WWW (url : String, postData : byte[], headers : Hashtable) : WWW


url The url to download.
postData A byte array of data to be posted to the url.
headers A hash table of custom headers to send with the request.


WWW - A new WWW object. When it has been downloaded, the results can be fetched from the returned object.


Creates a WWW request with the given URL.

This function creates and sends a POST request with raw post data contained in postData and custom request headers supplied in the headers hashtable. The stream will automatically start downloading the response. Use this version if you need to post raw post data in a custom format to the server or if you need to supply custom request headers.

After the stream is created you have to wait for it to complete, then you can access the downloaded data. As a convenience the stream can be yielded, so you can very easily tell Unity to wait for the download to complete.