Keyframe.inTangent Manual     Reference     Scripting  
Scripting > Runtime Classes > Keyframe

var inTangent : float


Describes the tangent when approaching this point from the previous point in the curve.

See Also: outTangent.

// Make an object follow a line among the X axis
// Notice how the tangents modify the behaviour of the animation

var anim : AnimationCurve = new AnimationCurve();

function Start() {
var ks : Keyframe[] = new Keyframe[3];
ks[0] = Keyframe(0, 0);
ks[0].inTangent = 0;
ks[1] = Keyframe(4, 0);
ks[1].inTangent = 45;
ks[2] = Keyframe(8, 0);
ks[2].inTangent = 90;
anim = AnimationCurve(ks);

function Update() {
transform.position = Vector3(Time.time,anim.Evaluate(Time.time),0);