Your search for "newin20182" resulted in 10 matches:

Global Illumination Profiler

New feature in 2018.2 NewIn20182

Command line arguments

"Application.isBatchMode" operator added in 2018.2 NewIn20182

Hexagonal Tilemaps

Hexagonal Tilemaps added in 2018.2 NewIn20182

JAR plug-ins

Support for Java source file plug-ins added for Android player in 2018.2 NewIn20182

Native (C++) plug-ins for Android

Support for using C++ source files and static libraries as plug-ins on Android added in 2018.2 NewIn20182

Project Templates

New Project Templates added in 2018.2 NewIn20182

The Game view

Low Resolution Aspect Ratios Game view option available on Windows from 2018.2 NewIn20182


Hexagonal Tilemap functionality added in Unity 2018.2 NewIn20182

Universal Windows Platform: Debugging on IL2CPP Scripting Backend

C# debugging for IL2CPP on Universal Windows Platform added in [2018.2] (

Using Physical Cameras

Physical Camera options added in [2018.2] ( Ne...

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