Script interface for the Trigger module.
This module is useful for killing particles when they touch a set of collision
shapes, or for calling a script command to let you apply custom particle behaviors when the trigger is activated.
The example code for MonoBehaviour.OnParticleTrigger shows how the callback type action works.
See Also: ParticleSystem, ParticleSystem.trigger.
enabled | Enable/disable the Trigger module. |
enter | Choose what action to perform when particles enter the trigger volume. |
exit | Choose what action to perform when particles leave the trigger volume. |
inside | Choose what action to perform when particles are inside the trigger volume. |
maxColliderCount | The maximum number of collision shapes that can be attached to this Particle System trigger. |
outside | Choose what action to perform when particles are outside the trigger volume. |
radiusScale | A multiplier applied to the size of each particle before overlaps are processed. |
GetCollider | Get a collision shape associated with this Particle System trigger. |
SetCollider | Set a collision shape associated with this Particle System trigger. |
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