Legacy Documentation: Version 2017.2 (Go to current version)
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class in UnityEngine.Playables

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Extensions for all the types that implements IPlayable.

Extension methods are static methods that can be called as if they were instance methods on the extended type.

no example available in JavaScript
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;

public class ExamplePlayableBehaviour : PlayableBehaviour { void Start() { PlayableGraph graph = PlayableGraph.Create(); AnimationMixerPlayable mixer = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(graph, 1);

// Calling method PlayableExtensions.SetDuration on AnimationMixerPlayable as if it was an instance method. mixer.SetDuration(10);

// The line above is the same as calling directly PlayableExtensions.SetDuration, but it is more compact and readable. PlayableExtensions.SetDuration(mixer, 10); } }

Static Methods

AddInputCreate a new input port and connect it to the output port of the given Playable.
ConnectInputConnect the output port of a Playable to one of the input ports.
DestroyDestroys the current Playable.
GetDurationReturns the duration of the Playable.
GetGraphReturns the PlayableGraph that owns this Playable. A Playable can only be used in the graph that was used to create it.
GetInputReturns the Playable connected at the given input port index.
GetInputCountReturns the number of inputs supported by the Playable.
GetInputWeightReturns the weight of the Playable connected at the given input port index.
GetOutputReturns the Playable connected at the given output port index.
GetOutputCountReturns the number of outputs supported by the Playable.
GetPlayStateReturns the current PlayState of the Playable.
GetPropagateSetTimeReturns the time propagation behavior of this Playable.
GetSpeedReturns the speed multiplier that is applied to the the current Playable.
GetTimeReturns the current local time of the Playable.
IsDoneReturns a flag indicating that a playable has completed its operation.
IsValidReturns the vality of the current Playable.
SetDoneChanges a flag indicating that a playable has completed its operation.
SetDurationChanges the duration of the Playable.
SetInputCountChanges the number of inputs supported by the Playable.
SetInputWeightChanges the weight of the Playable connected to the current Playable.
SetOutputCountChanges the number of outputs supported by the Playable.
SetPlayStateChanges the current PlayState of the Playable.
SetPropagateSetTimeChanges the time propagation behavior of this Playable.
SetSpeedChanges the speed multiplier that is applied to the the current Playable.
SetTimeChanges the current local time of the Playable.

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