Version: 2019.2


class in UnityEngine



Interface for on-screen keyboards. Only native iPhone, Android, and Windows Store Apps are supported.

This interface allows to display different types of the keyboard: ASCII, Numbers, URL, Email, and others.

Because the appearance of the keyboard has the potential to obscure portions of your user interface, it is up to you to make sure that parts of your user interface are not obscured when the keyboard is being displayed.

TouchScreenKeyboard.visible and TouchScreenKeyboard.area should be used to determine if the keyboard is being shown (activated) and what portion of the screen is using.

Windows ストアアプリ: Windows 10 のユニバーサルアプリでは、タッチスクリーンキーボードは、タッチ入力サポートがある XAML ベースのアプリケーションのみをサポートします。

Static 変数

visibleキーボードがスクリーン上に表示されている場合は true を返します


canGetSelectionSpecifies whether the TouchScreenKeyboard supports the selection property. (Read Only)
canSetSelectionSpecifies whether the TouchScreenKeyboard supports the selection property. (Read Only)
characterLimitHow many characters the keyboard input field is limited to. 0 = infinite.
selectionGets or sets the character range of the selected text within the string currently being edited.
statusReturns the status of the on-screen keyboard. (Read Only)
targetDisplaySpecified on which display the on-screen keyboard will appear.
typeReturns the TouchScreenKeyboardType of the keyboard.

Static 関数

Openスクリーン上に OS が提供しているネイティブのキーボードを表示します