
function OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties (root : GameObject, propNames : string[], values : object[]) : void


Gets called for each GameObject that had at least one userpropery attached to it in the imported file.

The propNames is a string array containing all the names of the properties found. The values is an System.Object array containing all the actual values. These can be of type string, Vector4, bool, Color, float, int.

A typical use case for this feature is reading out "userdata" stored on objects in 3dmax/maya. Depending on what is written in the text userdata for an object, you could decide to postprocess your GameObject in different ways. The sample below adds a simple BoxCollider component if the userdata string contains "addboxcollider".

class MyPostprocessor extends AssetPostprocessor {

function OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties (
go : GameObject,
propNames : String[],
values : System.Object[]){
for (var i : int = 0; i < propNames.Length; i++) {

var propName : String = propNames[i];
var value : Object = values[i];

Debug.Log("Propname: " + propName + " value: " +values[i]);

if (value.GetType() == String) {
var s : String = value;
if (s.Contains("addboxcollider")) go.AddComponent(BoxCollider);

if (value.GetType() == Vector4) {
var v : Vector4 = value;
// do something useful.

if (value.GetType() == Color) {
var c : Color = value;
// do something useful.

if (value.GetType() == int) {
var myInt : int = value;
// do something useful.

if (value.GetType() == float) {
var myFloat : float = value;
// do something useful.